Master the Qur'an Year Timeline with Revelation Essentials, the quick-start guide to the Revelation Experience. This short, but incredibly high-yield book is packed with all the tools you need to start your journey.
Dive deeper into the story of when, how and why the Qur'an was revealed with this award winning biography. Discover how the universal life themes in the Prophet's life can be a template for your own journey.
Unlock your ultimate potential with Revelation: The Qur'an. This one-of-a-kind, guided translation is the crowning gem of the Revelation Experience and brings the Qur'an front and center in your life.
The Revelation Experience is a personally guided journey through the story of Qur'anic revelation as if you are experiencing it first hand. It is a comprehensive course that began with the award-winning book Revelation: The Story of Muhammad (pbuh). It will soon be joined by Revelation Essentials, and Revelation: The Qur'an, Yahiya Emerick's powerful translation with commentary (expected 2025). By inter-twining the life of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) with the actual verses from the Qur'an being revealed in chronological order, it is as if you are alongside the Prophet (pbuh) experiencing the Qur'an descend in real time. The most powerful part of the course for many listeners is the melodious recitation by Qari Hassan Hlayhel. You can visit our YouTube channel to get a taste of the course and see what people are saying about it!
The entire Revelation platform is organized around the unique "Quran Year Timeline." This is an ingeniously simply memorization aid that help students engage in the material without getting lost in the big picture of Qur'anic revelation. You can download the free tutorial below and can also watch Dr. Mohiuddin teach it step-by step on our YouTube channel. Most people can learn the entire timeline in 30 minutes!
The Revelation curriculum consists of 3 books:
1) Revelation Essentials (out soon!)
2) Revelation: The Story of Muhammad (pbuh)
3) Revelation: The Qur'an (2025 release)
The best place to begin is with the free PDF offered below. Then simply go in order... 1,2,3.
We highly encourage you to use these books together to get the most out of your experience. Dr. Mohiuddin often refers to features in his book (especially figures) that listeners might not be able to access any other way.
You can you can always contact us if you are interested in bulk pricing.
The growing audio series for The Revelation Experience course can be accessed on YouTube. Make sure to subscribe to the channel to get the latest video tutorials and more!
After publishing Revelation, we saw a huge demand for online content coming from every corner of the globe. Aside from teachers and students, many requests were also coming from people who couldn't find the book in their country, or couldn't afford the high shipping costs. We soon realized that The Revelation Experience is the next step in our journey to spread the Prophet's (pbuh) message to a broader audience.
Our dream is to help as many people as possible connect to the Prophet (pbuh) and his message in a way that makes a meaningful difference in their everyday lives.
The Revelation Experience is taught by Dr. Meraj Mohiuddin, the author of Revelation: The Story of Muhammad (pbuh). The series the next step in his dream to help people around the world connect with the Prophet (pbuh) and his message in a down-to-earth and meaningful way. The Arabic recitation of the Qur'an is by Sh Hassan Hlayhel.
Our YouTube channel provides many of the latest updates and video tutorials on all things Revelation. You can also learn about Dr. Meraj's 15- year journey of how and why he wrote his book. He'll take you on an in-depth tour of Revelation: The Story of Muhammad (pbuh) and show you what makes it different than any other book on the life of the Prophet (pbuh).
Finally, make sure to visit our Amazon page where you can read over 250 reviews and take a closer look for yourself. If you have any other questions, you can always ask us a question.
We offer bulk discounts for schools, organizations, booksellers, and more. Contact us us if you are interested in purchasing 5 books or 500, and we can work with you to fulfill your order.
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